

Acne is a common skin problem that causes pimples. Most of us have dealt with this in our lives. Sometimes at the most inconvenient times, like before dates, parties, or work presentations. Acne occurs when hair follicles below the skin become blocked. Then bacteria can start to grow, causing inflammation and red bumps.

The most common places where you might have acne are on your: Face. Chest, Forehead, Shoulders, and Upper back.

Oil glands are present all over your body. Common Areas for acne are those with the most oil glands. Teenagers’ acne outbreaks are often a result of hormonal fluctuations. So they generally appear during their teenage years. Similarly, it is common in the week before menstruation and may last until menopause. Pregnant women may also suffer from it. However, possible medications are accessible, but they can be tireless. The pimples and bumps heal gradually, and when one starts to go away, others appear to trim up.

Acne can take several forms. They include:

  • Blackheads: A blackhead is a small spot on the skin, particularly on the face, with a black top.
  • Whiteheads: These appear as small bumps on your skin. They are white or yellow in appearance. Too much oil can cause it on your skin or irritate hair follicles.
  • Papules: Small red or pink bumps that become inflamed.
  • Pustules: Pimples that contain pus. They seem like whiteheads encompassed by red rings. It can cause scarring in case picked or scratched.
  • Pityrosporum folliculitis (fungal acne): It can occur when an excessive quantity of yeast develops within the hair follicles and becomes irritated and inflamed.
  • Nodules: Deep, painful injuries below the skin distinguish nodular acne and often affect the face, chest, or back.
  • Cysts: A red lump below the skin, which is painful or delicate to the touch.
Acne scars

Most people who suffer from acne later find themselves with a new problem: acne scars. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), acne scars are part of the healing process. During the healing process, the skin tries to repair the damage caused by acne. By producing collagen, it heals the skin. The result is a concave scar if you have too little or too much collagen. However, acne scars can be as self-conscious as acne itself. So what can be done about it? The AAD advises on surgery and laser resurfacing……Read more


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